What Is The Right Type Of Exercise For You?
Answer: Whatever type of exercise makes you happy.
It is coming up to the New Year and all the New Years Resolutions will be commencing. Many of you will often read an article that tells you that you should be doing weightlifting if you want to maximise fat loss. Weight lifting is great for fat loss and increasing muscle mass, but if you fancy doing a different form of exercise…do it!
And that is exactly what I did yesterday. Often, you will see on my Instagram @hannahburgon_pt that I do weight lifting. However, I had an urge to go for a run and I decided that this run would be the longest run I have ever done. Therefore, I was out for 2.5 hours (approx 17miles) running around the Rutland Water reservoir and my hometown, Oakham.
Moral of this? You can do weight lifting. You can go running. But, it doesn’t have to be one or the other. Exercise how you want!
If you’re not in some bodybuilding exhibition, there is really no point in pressurising yourself to exercise a certain way if you don’t want to. We are all on an exhibition of life, where the real results will come from our happiness. I truly believe that exercise can help increase happiness. It is just about finding what type of exercise you enjoy. Whether it be running, weightlifting or cycling, just find out what makes you happy and do it!
All I would advise is whatever you decide to do, push yourself! You need to get used to the feeling of discomfort and pushing your body, because when you hit that wall, you CAN break it down! You’ve got this!
So have a think of what exercise you will be doing Next Year and if you don’t exercise much at the moment, try new forms of exercises out. Why? Because once you find something that you enjoy doing, you are on your way to a happier you!
Ps this blog image was taken during a half marathon I did earlier this year. Please excuse my facial expression, but this was me when I was breaking through the wall I hit haha.
Hannah x